This workflow allows you to track the start and end time of your working day. Besides that you can track the duration of your break time. All get saved in a notion database and triggered via a shortcut on your apple device (iPhone).

  1. Copy the sample database “Time Tracker” and use it to connect to the workflow. Find the icon button in the top right corner.

    Time Tracker

  2. Copy the n8n workflow and paste it to a newly created one within your workspace.

    1. The errors you are about to see indicate missing credentials. Add your notion credentials at these notion nodes and you are good to go.
  3. Download the iOS shortcut and adjust the url of your n8n workflow in the first text node at the very beginning of the shortcut flow.

    Track Time.shortcut

  4. Make a test. iOS while ask for your permission to access the n8n endpoint which you have to grant it. This is a one time step.